Beginning February 5th
In the dawn of early morning, you will
receive a spoon beneath your door
Welcome Your Spoonmaster
This years game of spoons will be hosted
by Vincent Barboriak, your previous years winner
The Game of Spoons
At the start of the game, each player is given a spoon with another player’s name on it. This is their target. To eliminate their target, a player must use their spoon to (LIGHTLY) tap their target on the shoulder, defined as a kill. When this occurs, the player will inherit their killed target’s spoon, and thus their new target will be the killed player’s target. This will continue until there is only one player remaining, and the game’s objective is to be the last person standing!
To protect yourself from a player who has your name, you can touch your spoon to your nose. When your spoon and nose are touching, you are safe (Immune to being killed).
Safe Zones
Additional Clarification
Special Thanks and Information
Thanks to for leading development, hosting, and maintaining this years game website. Thanks to Thomas Fasan for assisting in creating the backend. The last person alive will be crowned 2025 spoons champion and the last junior alive will be next years Spoonsmaster.